Hari libur setelah mengalami weekdays yang cukup sibuk merupakan kenikmatan sendiri untuk orang-orang yang menghindari rutinitas yang ada dan lebih memilih untuk mengambil napas sejenak; beristirahat di rumah. Oversleep mungkin menjadi pilihan beberapa orang dalam mengisi waktu libur mereka yang singkat ini. Balas dendam akan padatnya waktu kerja sehingga harus bangun pagi serta pulang malam memperbesar kemungkinan terjadinya fenomena alamiah ini. Kemalasan antar weekdays pun melanda para masyarakat terutama kemalasan mahasiswa serta pekerja kantoran.
Kemajuan teknologi banyak berkontribusi sebagai enhancer dalam kemalasan ini. Untuk beberapa waktu, kadang faktor kemajuan teknologi ini membentuk fungsi eksponensial, yang berakibat peningkatan kemalasan yang pesat setiap weekendnya. Fungsi ini pun kadang berpengaruh juga tidak hanya tingkat kualitas kemalasannya saja, tapi juga frekuensi terjadinya kemalasan tersebut. Probabilitas kemalasan itu meningkat dari 2/7 menjadi 3/7 atau bahkan lebih.
Melihat bagaimana masyarakat kedepannya, maka tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa masyarakat dapat bertambah malas seiring dengan waktu. Hal ini dikarenakan kemajuan teknologi yang semakin lama semakin menarik mata. Kondisi yang cukup pelik ini membuat saya teringat akan film Surrogates tahun 2009 karya Jonathan Mostow mengenai surrogates; robot pengganti menyerupai manusia yang digerakkan oleh manusia untuk menjalankan tugas dari pribadi yang menggerakkannya.
Dalam film ini, terlihat bahwa ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap teknologi membuat mereka malas untuk bergerak hingga membuat tubuh mereka lemah karena jarangnya tubuh mereka dipakai untuk bergerak. Tak hanya itu, di akhir film pun tampak bahwa masyarakat yang akhirnya terbebas dari surrogates mereka ketakutan serta kebingungan karena kembalinya mereka menjalani hidup tanpa adanya bantuan surrogates.
Dinamisnya hidup akan membawa orang-orang yang bermalas-malasan menuju kebingungan bahkan ketakutan. Hal ini dikarenakan mereka lebih suka mengisolirkan diri di dalam rumah untuk menghabiskan waktu beristirahat dibandingkan mengamati perubahan lingkungan yang ada sehingga pada akhirnya kita dapat survive dalam menjalani hidup. Walau kesannya penghabisan waktu weekend dengan berleha-leha terkesan sepele, namun every big things start with a small step dimana bermalas-malasan di kasur bisa jadi mengantarkan kita ke catastrophe yang besar. Manajemen waktu untuk weekend pun harus bisa sebaik mungkin agar kita dapat menikmati hidup kita to the fullest.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Subsidized Fuel Price Increment
The raise of subsidized fuel price, which is premium and solar has become an old issue in Indonesia. Though the new president has been elected by Indonesian people, the regulation regarding energy still look the same. Some people think this obligation is irrational due to high poverty in Indonesia. Is this obligation made by government is not right? Here are two consideration about the decision made by government.
Subsidized fuel in Indonesia, as we know are non-renewable energy sources. The consumption of this limited sources must be studied so that the young generation could also enjoy during their life. In Indonesia, oil reserves has gradually decrease. This was proved by Indonesia resignation from OPEC in 2009. Moreover, based on Undang-Undang Pasal 33 that said "Earth, water and other natural resources that contain in it are controlled by the government and must be use for people prosperity." make Indonesia government have to give subsidized fuel to needy people. However, it does not hit the target which result in the increasing demand in fuel. Conserving the fuel become the government concern that make they have to make the recent decision about subsidized fuel.
Indonesia is very rich in its natural resources, especially energy resources. Energy sources such as natural gas and coal is spread across the country. Based on U.S Energy Information Administration, Indonesia have proved natural gas reserves around 108.4 tcf, which contribute 20.8% natural gas reserves to Asia and Oceania natural gas reserves and contribute 1.6% to world natural gas reserves. Number of professional is not little in Indonesia so it suppose to be easy to shift fuel to other alternative energy. However, due to the cheap price of the fuel, people tend to buy subsidized fuel rather than other alternative energy. This make the market for alternative energy become undeveloped. International companies then take advantages regarding this situation by signing contract for mining, producing and selling our resources to other country. This is really a great loss for our country.
Indonesian government have actually think about strategy to keep the implementation of the obligation working. During Soeharto Era, there are 7 kind of subsidized fuel for Indonesia people, one of them is kerosene. With the idea from Jusuf Kalla, Indonesia government shift kerosene to LPG. The government cooperate with Pertamina to increase the production of LPG for Indonesian people. The program was success even though the government have to owe Pertamina around 2,7 Trillion rupiah. Restriction of solar and premium for government employee, military, and industry has been implemented. The usage of natural gas has increased due to increment of Trans Jakarta bus driven by natural gas engine.
Despite many efforts from the government about fuel subsidized we need to keep in our mind that this decision are made for Indonesia people prosperity. This decision must be supported by not buying subsidized fuel for people who live on easy street. It is the needy people right to enjoy the subsidized fuel from Indonesian government. Conserving energy such as reducing excessive usage of electricity will really help the government to keep our oil reserves. Giving aspiration regarding conserving energy will also help the government to find solution about energy in Indonesia.
Subsidized fuel in Indonesia, as we know are non-renewable energy sources. The consumption of this limited sources must be studied so that the young generation could also enjoy during their life. In Indonesia, oil reserves has gradually decrease. This was proved by Indonesia resignation from OPEC in 2009. Moreover, based on Undang-Undang Pasal 33 that said "Earth, water and other natural resources that contain in it are controlled by the government and must be use for people prosperity." make Indonesia government have to give subsidized fuel to needy people. However, it does not hit the target which result in the increasing demand in fuel. Conserving the fuel become the government concern that make they have to make the recent decision about subsidized fuel.
Indonesia is very rich in its natural resources, especially energy resources. Energy sources such as natural gas and coal is spread across the country. Based on U.S Energy Information Administration, Indonesia have proved natural gas reserves around 108.4 tcf, which contribute 20.8% natural gas reserves to Asia and Oceania natural gas reserves and contribute 1.6% to world natural gas reserves. Number of professional is not little in Indonesia so it suppose to be easy to shift fuel to other alternative energy. However, due to the cheap price of the fuel, people tend to buy subsidized fuel rather than other alternative energy. This make the market for alternative energy become undeveloped. International companies then take advantages regarding this situation by signing contract for mining, producing and selling our resources to other country. This is really a great loss for our country.
Indonesian government have actually think about strategy to keep the implementation of the obligation working. During Soeharto Era, there are 7 kind of subsidized fuel for Indonesia people, one of them is kerosene. With the idea from Jusuf Kalla, Indonesia government shift kerosene to LPG. The government cooperate with Pertamina to increase the production of LPG for Indonesian people. The program was success even though the government have to owe Pertamina around 2,7 Trillion rupiah. Restriction of solar and premium for government employee, military, and industry has been implemented. The usage of natural gas has increased due to increment of Trans Jakarta bus driven by natural gas engine.
Despite many efforts from the government about fuel subsidized we need to keep in our mind that this decision are made for Indonesia people prosperity. This decision must be supported by not buying subsidized fuel for people who live on easy street. It is the needy people right to enjoy the subsidized fuel from Indonesian government. Conserving energy such as reducing excessive usage of electricity will really help the government to keep our oil reserves. Giving aspiration regarding conserving energy will also help the government to find solution about energy in Indonesia.
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